4차산업혁명/PI System

Future Data - Archive 생성 방법

까망후니 2017. 8. 14. 17:44

C:\Program Files\PI\adm>piartool.exe -ac

This procedure will create and register a new archive.

The archive path and optional start/end times or size

may be specified.

WARNING: This will reduce system responsiveness for the duration

of the process. If you do not need to initialize the archive times,

it is more efficient to run 'piarcreate' and then register the new

archive with 'piartool -ar'.

Would you like to create the archive file for the future tags (y/n)? y

Enter the complete path to the new archive: "D:\PI\arc\future\future_test.dat"

You have entered the archive path: "D:\PI\arc\future\future_test.dat"

Is this correct (y/n/q)? y

You must initialize the start and end times for the archive file for the future


Times must be entered in standard PI Time Format,

for example: 04-Jun-73 10:00:00

Enter the archive start time: 14-AUG-2017 00:00:00

You have entered the start time: 14-Aug-17 00:00:00

Is this correct (y/n)? y

Enter the archive end time: 14-Aug-20 00:00:00

You have entered the end time: 14-Aug-20 00:00:00

Is this correct (y/n)? y

Enter the archive size in MB: 1

You have entered the size: 1MB (1024 records)

Is this correct (y/n)? y

You have requested to create an archive with the attributes:

File Path : "D:\PI\arc\future\future_test.dat"

Start Time: 14-Aug-17 00:00:00

End Time  : 14-Aug-20 00:00:00

File Size : 1MB

Archive   : For Future Tags

Is this correct (y/n)? y

Successfully scheduled the archive creation.

Archive path: "D:\PI\arc\future\future_test.dat".

Check the message log for completion status.