4차산업혁명/PI System

[OPC Interface] 이중화 관련 Device Status 값 설명

까망후니 2016. 10. 18. 08:46



 Device Status 

 Stores communication information about the interface and the connection to the data source. The device status performance counter indicates status using the following values: 

•0: Interface working properly, reading/writing data

• 10: Connected to data source, not receiving data

• 30 to 79: Interface-specific statuses

• 50: UniInt failover is in a state where the backup interface may take over if needed after a certain period of time. 10 minutes is the default, but can be configured using the location5 attribute of the active ID point.

• 80: Percentage of data sources connected below minimum required

• 90: Starting interface, not connected to data source

• 95: Communication error with data source

• 99: Shutting down the interfacce

• 100: For internal use only

Only applies to the instance (_Total). 

 by: UniInt-interface-User-Guide