4차산업혁명/PI System
Windows Service 등록 방법
2018. 1. 19. 15:16
1- Use ICU
2- Use -install from the command prompt (use in non-cluster setups)
Create :
C:\>Program Files\PIPC\Interfaces\Example\Interface.exe -install -display "Display Name"
-serviceid "Service ID" -depend "servicename1 servicename2 etc" -auto
Remove :
C:\>Progam Files\PIPC\Interfaces\Example\Interface.exe -remove -serviceid "Service ID"
3- Use SC from the command prompt
Create :
C:\>sc create "Service Name" binpath= "C: \Progam Files\PIPC\Interfaces\Example\Interface.exe ServiceID" depend= "servicename1/servicename2/etc" DisplayName= "Display Name" start= "auto"
Config Update :
C:\>sc config "Service Name" option= "New Value"
Remove :
C:\>sc delete "Service Name"
[참고 : https://techsupport.osisoft.com/Troubleshooting/KB/KB00324 ]